

1. Corporate Wellness, not Employee Wellness. In the end, it’s all about culture. Wellness must be integrated into the business, and its objectives, to be successful. 

2. Pecking order matters. It’s a fact, employees are influenced by their leaders. If corporate wellness is going to succeed, there must be leadership and managerial support across the business.


3. It’s not physical. Wellness is about the total person. It must extend beyond physical activity and nutrition into preventive care, finances, health literacy, consumerism, and more. 


4. Accountability is the keyword. The company and employee must both be accountable for the efforts involved. Organizations should invest in resources to enable the employee to make informed healthcare decisions.


5. The easy choice. Policies that make available healthy food options, provide opportunities to be physically active during the work day, and drive preventive screenings make it easier for an employee to make a healthy choice.


6. Size matters. Corporate wellness is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Data analytics and health informatics should be at the core of strategy development.


7. Your customer. Treat your employees like your customers — know their needs, survey them, and then customize to them so that overall program viability and success is sustainable.


8. Social support. Support from co-workers, family members, and the community influence the effectiveness of behavior change and should be integrated into the overall strategy. 


9. One piece of the pie. Wellness vendors are not the wellness program, they are only one component of many that makes up a successful corporate wellness strategy.


10. Productivity & Profitability. Wellness and safety will go hand-in-hand working towards a common goal: to protect employee health and improve organizational productivity and profitability. 


***For more wellness related material download our whitepaper on Mental Health.


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