The Ins And Outs Of Alternative Provider Contracting

With the impact of rising healthcare costs, employers must begin to consider the influence that Alternative Provider Contracting can have....

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Ready For A HIPAA Audit

For some employers, a HIPAA audit could be right around the corner. Even if you think you are meeting all of the requirements, there is always fear...

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ERISA Road To Compliance

ERISA’s reporting and disclosure obligations — notices, summary plan descriptions (SPDs), 5500 filings —can feel burdensome and confusing. The good...

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Alarming Obesity Rates

In October 2017, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released its latest state and territory-specific data on adult obesity...

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Top 10 Things Employers Need to Know About Wellness

1. Corporate Wellness, not Employee Wellness. In the end, it’s all about culture. Wellness must be integrated into the business, and its...

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To Vape or Not to Vape

The CDC indicates that smoking causes nearly one in five deaths every year in the United States and that cigarette smoking is the leading...

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Financial Hardship Leads to Other Issues

Personal debt is a wide-spread problem and it’s likely impacting your workforce at all employee levels. As a leading cause of stress that can...

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Disturbing Mental Health Trends

Mounting deaths in this country due to suicide and the opioid crisis is not news. However, many in the benefits community have thought problems...

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Mental Health and The Ties that Bind

Employees with untreated mental health disorders like depression can struggle with physical, mental, and emotional impairments that may worsen over...

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How Health Literate Are Your Employees?

Healthcare literacy encompasses everything from how to read a nutrition label to medicine dosing information to how to access needed care. Helping...

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